What Is Addition?
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What Is Addition?

Addition is a skill you'll use your whole life.

Key Point:      Addition is putting numbers together to make a sum, or total.

Addition example: 1 + 2 = 3

      The plus sign + tells you to add two numbers.

Key Point:

Addition terms: addends, sum, plus sign, and equals sign on the equation: 1 + 2 = 3

      = is an equals sign. It shows that things on either side of it are equal.

Key Point:

How to Add Numbers

Imagine you have 3 marbles, and you win 2 more.

How many marbles do you have in all?

To find the answer, we use addition!

Let's review four ways to add that you probably learned in first grade.  

1. Adding With Pictures

You can use pictures to do addition.

3 + 2 marbles

Just count all the marbles to find the sum.

3 + 2 = 5 ✅

2. Addition Using Number Lines

You can use a number line to do addition. 

3 + 2 = ?

      A number line is a straight line with numbers on it.

Key Point:

number line

Start from 3 and jump forward 2 steps. 

You get 5!

3. Adding with Your Fingers

You can use your fingers to do addition.

3 + 2 = ?

Start from 3 and count up 2 times.

counting with your fingers

What answer did you get?

You got it! It's 5. 👍

4. Adding from Memory

Most people use addition every day. 

When you buy things at a store, you have to add prices like this:

$4 + $3 = $7

Because we use addition so much, the best way to do it is from memory. 

If someone asks, "What's 4 + 3?", you should be able to answer 7 in a flash, without even thinking about it. ⚡️👍

Tip: You'll see addition written as a sentence and in column form. They mean the same thing.

Addition equations can be written in sentence or column form.

Now, you're ready to ace the practice.

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