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⭐️ Lesson Builder
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⭐️ Lesson Builder
Create self-paced, read-assisted, self-grading adaptive lessons. Share with your students (Clever login makes it easy for teachers), or publicly to the community database. Build off of over 20k+ questions and 2.2k+ lessons to make your own world-class adaptive learning resources quickly and easily.
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Syllable Counter
Count the number of syllables in any word or sentence.
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Part of Speech Identifier
Find what part of speech any word is in any sentence using natural language processing (NLP).
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Capitalize My Title
Instantly capitalize your title. Turn any text into title case for articles, blogs, or essays.
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Reading Level Checker
Instantly see the reading level of any piece of writing. Calculates the Flesch-Kincaid U.S. grade level and other scores.
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Free Lesson Builder

Create self-paced, read-assist, self-grading, adaptive, mobile-first lessons.

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or drag 'n' drop a .doc or .docx file here

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or start with a question...

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Have writers block?

Become a member to access and build off of the entire question bank of over 20,000 professionally designed and tested questions and 2,200+ lessons covering math and English Common Core standards. Plus unlock student, teacher profiles and unlimited practice.

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What can you make with Lesson Builder?

Every lesson in Spyce was built using Lesson Builder.

You can use Lesson Builder to both teach new things and check for understanding.

Each quiz has two parts: an article and a set of questions.

You can use the article to make your own read-along rich text articles.

Then you can quickly create adaptive checks for understanding with your own question bank.

You can use Lesson Builder to teach or test just about any Common Core standard and to teach bold new subjects as well.

You can create any kind of arithmetic, true or false, long division, spelling, multiple choice, or text input question.

You can even create writing questions that use natural language processing, handwriting questions, audio questions, and more.

You can define what happens when students get any question wrong or answer too slowly.

Paying members can access our entire question bank of over 20,000 professionally designed and tested questions to quickly copy into their quizzes and lessons.

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