Dividing by 1 to 5
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How to Divide by 1 to 5

Division Review

      Division is splitting a number into equal groups. 

Key Point:

Division terms review: dividend divided by divisor = quotient

Let's divide 8 by 2 together.

8 ÷ 2 = ?

We can draw 8 squares to help us figure it out.


Now, let’s divide them into 2 groups.


How many squares are in each group?

Yes, 4.

8 ÷ 2 = 4

Tip: It's easy to do division when you know your multiplication facts.

That's because:

      Division is the opposite of multiplication.

Key Point:

We can use multiplication to check our answer.

4 × 2 = 8

Awesome! 😀

Now, let's review how to divide by 1 through 5.

Dividing by 1

      Dividing a number by 1 doesn't change the number, just like when we multiply a number by 1.

Key Point:

These are the division facts for 1:

Division Facts for 1

Let's see if you can answer this quickly. 🚴

10 ÷ 1 = ?

Yes! 10!

How about:

7 ÷ 1 = ?

You got it! 7.

Let's try a bigger number.

817,316 ÷ 1 = ?

Great job! It's 817,316! 

Dividing by 1 is a piece of cake. 🍰 The number doesn't change.

Tip: this is also called the identity property of division.

Dividing by 2

      When dividing by 2, you split a number into two equal groups.

Key Point:

The number in each group is the answer.

circles divided into 2 groups,

Remember that division is the opposite of multiplication.

Let's say you see a division question like this:

16 ÷ 2 = ?

Just ask yourself, what number times 2 equals 16?

? × 2 = 16

Do you know the answer?

8 × 2 = 16

So you know the related division equation too:

16 ÷ 2 = 8

It's also helpful to just memorize your division facts:

Division Facts for 2

Do you know what 22 ÷ 2 is?

Yes, 11.

How about 24 ÷ 2?

Yes, it's 12.

Great job. Pause and review those if you need a moment.

Dividing by 3

Take a look at the division facts for 3.

Division Facts for 3

If you can multiply by 3, then you can already divide by 3 too.

Look at this division equation:

21 ÷ 3 = ?

To solve it, just re-write it as a multiplication equation.

? × 3 = 21

Do you know what number times 3 equals 21?

Yes, 7 x 3 is 21.

So we know that...

21 ÷ 3 = 7

Now, do you know what 33 ÷ 3 is?

It's 11.

How about 36 ÷ 3?

It's 12. Because 12 × 3 = 36. ✅

Dividing by 4

Look at these triangles:


Let's divide them into 4 equal groups.

12 triangles divided into 4 groups

The division equation for this is

12 ÷ 4 = 3

The answer is the same as the number of triangles in each group.

There are 3 triangles in each group.

Memorize these division facts for 4:

Division Facts for 4

Mini quiz: What's 44 ÷ 4?

It's 11.

How about 48 ÷ 4?

It's 12.

Great work so far.

Dividing by 5

Dividing by 5 is easy if you've already memorized your multiplication facts for 5. 

20 ÷ 5 = ?

To divide 20 by 5, just ask yourself, what number times 5 equals 20?

? × 5 = 20

Do you know the answer?

4 × 5 = 20

So you know that:

20 ÷ 5 = 4

To help you master dividing by 5, memorize these division facts:

Division Facts for 5

Do you know 55 ÷ 5?

It's 11.

How about 60 ÷ 5?

It's 12. Those are important to memorize too.

Excellent work! 👏

Now, try the practice. You'll become a division master.

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