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What Is Area?

      Area is the amount of space a flat shape or surface takes up.

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colorful board

How much space does this board take up? 🤔

👉 To figure that out, let's find the board's area!

Tip: Only two-dimensional objects have an area. Three-dimensional objects have volume.

book and wardrobe

The cover of a book is flat. The front of a closet door is flat. A paper is flat.

How do you find the area of something?

Let's find the area of a grid like this board

colorful board

      One way to find the area of a grid is to count all the squares in it

Key Point:

How many squares are there?

That's right! There are 30 squares.

The area of the board is 30 square units. 😀 

1 square is 1 square unit.

But counting is pretty slow. Let's learn a faster way.

Using Multiplication to Find the Area

      To find the area of a grid like a rectangle or a square, just multiply the height times the width.

Key Point:

Height x Width = Area

Why does this work? 🤔

Because grids are just columns multiplied by some number of rows! 🤓

How many rows and columns does our grid have?

colorful board

Now what happens when we multiply the number of rows (5) times the columns (6)?

5 x 6 = 30

We get the same answer from multiplying as we do from adding all of the squares! 😺

So remember: 

      Multiply the length and width of any rectangle or square to get its area.

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Units of Area

Just like length, weight and time, area also has some units of measurement.

Key Point:      Units of area tell us how big or small an area actually is.

Imagine that this is the measurement of each square on the board.

1 square unit

The area of a square 1 cm wide, and 1 cm tall is 1 square centimeter.

      Square centimeter is a unit of measurement for area. It's written as cm².

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      In the United States, people also sometimes use square inches as a unit of measurement. It's written as or in².

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👉 The area of a square 1 in wide, and 1 in tall is 1 square inch.

So, what's the area of our board?

We know that it's 30 square units.

If the area of each square is 1 cm² , then the area of the board is 30 cm².👍 

Area of Larger Spaces

What if we want to measure the area of larger spaces, like this field of grass?

field of grass

What unit of measurement should we use? 🤔

😌 Square centimeter would be too small.

      For larger spaces, the unit of measurement often used is square meter. It's written as .

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1 square unit

A square meter is the area taken up by a square with 1 m long sides. 👍

Now, let's measure the area of the yard.

area of a yard

👉 A grid can help us count the square units.

Instead of counting, let's multiply the columns by the rows.

5 x 9 = ?

What do we get? 45 square units!

So, the area of the yard is 45 . 🎉

Square Feet

In the United States, people often use square feet instead of square meters

     1 square foot is the area of a 1 ft by 1 ft square. It's abbreviated as sq. ft. or ft².

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Square feet are smaller than square meters.

square foot and square meter

      1 m2 can fit a little over 10 ft².

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Now, complete the practice. You'll learn more and remember for longer. 💪

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