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What Are Contractions?

¿Qué son las contracciones?

Sometimes, instead of saying two words like:

A veces, en lugar de decir dos palabras como

It is sunny.

Hace sol.

... we can shorten them into one word:

... podemos acortarlas en una sola palabra:

It's sunny.

Hace sol.

It's is called a contraction!

¡Se llama contracción!

What Are Contractions?

¿Qué son las contracciones?

Key Point:
      Contractions are the short form of one or two words. 

Las contracciones son la forma corta de una o dos palabras.

They usually have an apostrophe '.

Suelen llevar un apóstrofe '.

Here are some examples.

He aquí algunos ejemplos.

A tree under the sun.

There's a great park to play in.

'There's' es una contracción de 'There is'.

'There's' is a contraction of 'There is'.

Está jugando al fútbol.

A girl kicking a soccer ball.

She's playing soccer.

She's es una contracción de 'she is'.

She's is a contraction of 'she is'.

Son una familia feliz.

A family.

They're a happy family.

They're es una contracción de 'They are'.

They're is a contraction of 'They are'.

Cómo hacer una contracción

How to Make A Contraction

Para hacer una contracción, juntamos dos palabras, dejamos caer algunas letras y las sustituimos por un apóstrofe '.

Key Point:
      To make a contraction, we put two words together, drop some letters and replace them with an apostrophe '.

Así es como hacemos una contracción para is y not.

Here's how we make a contraction for is and not.

es + no = no es

is + not = isn't

Juntamos las palabras, eliminamos la 'o' y la sustituimos por un apóstrofe ' .

We put the words together, drop the 'o', and replace it with an apostrophe ( ' ).

También podemos formar una contracción de una sola palabra.

We can also form a contraction of just one word.

No se puede no se puede

Cannot 👉 can't

Quitamos las letras n y o.

We took out the letters n and o.

Entonces, los sustituimos por un apóstrofe.

Then, we replaced them with an apostrophe.

Otros ejemplos de contracciones

Other Examples of Contractions

Las contracciones hacen que tu escritura sea más informal y menos formal.

Contractions make your writing more casual and less formal. 

Consejo: Casual significa que es más probable que lo uses con tus amigos que con un profesor.

Tip: Casual means you're more likely to use it with your friends than with a professor.

A menudo hablamos con contracciones.

We often speak with contractions.

Aquí hay otros ejemplos de contracciones:

Here are other examples of contractions:

Yo soy = Yo soy

I am = I'm

él es = él es

he is = he's

ella es = ella es

she is = she's

es = es

it is = it's

hay = hay

there is = there's

usted es = usted es

you are = you're

somos = estamos

we are = we're

son = son

they are = they're

no = no

does not = doesn't

no = no

do not = don't

no tiene = no tiene

has not = hasn't

no tener = no tener

have not = haven't

él lo hará = él lo hará

he will = he'll

ella lo hará = ella lo hará

she will = she'll

we will = we'll

we will = we'll

let us = let's

let us = let's

¡Gran trabajo de aprendizaje de las contracciones!

Great job learning about contractions! 😃

Es vs. Su

It's vs. Its

Bien, aprendamos una última cosa.

Ok, let's learn one last thing.

Es posible que veas frases como ésta:

You may see sentences like this:

Está batiendo sus alas.

It's flapping its wings.

It's es una contracción de "it is", mientras que its es un pronombre posesivo como "his".

Key Point:
      It's is a contraction for "it is", while its is a possessive pronoun like "his".

Es un poco complicado, pero le cogerás el tranquillo.

It's a little tricky, but you'll get the hang of it! 😺

Ahora, estás listo para hacer la práctica.

Now, you're ready to ace the practice.

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