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Extract Text from Image

Extract Text from Image

Turn an image into text using AI.


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or drag 'n' drop an image here

Effortlessly extract text from any image. Our advanced image-to-text optical character recognition (OCR) and Post-OCR libraries provide accurate results on a variety of image types. Whether it's handwritten notes, printed text, or scanned documents, our solution provides seamless extraction capabilities for all of them.

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Extract Text from Image API

Run Extract Text from Image tasks programmatically using the code in the API panel to the right.

Extract Text from Image API

Easily integrate an Extract Text from Image tool into your own app or workflow. Fill out the AI task editor above to see the code to run that task below.

JavaScript Code

Your API Key



To report a bug, request a feature, or ask us a question, please email us at

Extract text from:
Extract text from:
Google's Tesseract OCR:
Extract text from:
TrOCR Handwriting:

Extract text from any image with ease. Simply upload an image, and effortlessly extract the text from it.

Tip: Different models work well for different types of images.

Extract Text from Image API

Easily integrate an Extract Text from Image tool into your own app or workflow. Fill out the AI task editor on the left to see the code to run that task below.

JavaScript Code

Your API Key



To report a bug, request a feature, or ask us a question, please email us at

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