Plural Nouns
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What Are Singular and Plural Nouns?

One ant. Two ants.

      Singular nouns describe just one of something. 'Ant' is a singular noun.

Key Point:

      Plural nouns describe more than one of something. 'Ants' is a plural noun.

Key Point:

Spelling Plural Nouns

Ok, this is a big topic. But we know you can handle it! 

We're going to cover nearly every rule in the English language for turning a singular noun plural! 😺

Let's jump in with the first rule:

      To make most singular nouns plural, just add an -s.

Key Point:

dog | dogs
horse | horses
human | humans

Great job! That's one rule down 🤘. Let's keep going.

      If a singular noun ends with 'ch', 'sh', 'x', 's', or 'z', add an -es to make it plural.

Key Point:

bus | buses
branch | branches
box | boxes
bush | bushes

      If the noun ends with ‑f or ‑fe, the f is usually changed to ‑ve before adding the -s to form the plural version.

Key Point:

wife | wives
half | halves
life | lives
knife | knives
self | selves
shelf | shelves

There are some exceptions to that rule 🙈:

roof | roofs
belief | beliefs
chef | chefs
chief | chiefs

      If a singular noun ends in a consonant-y pattern, use the -ies ending.

Key Point:

city | cities
berry | berries

      If a singular noun ends in a vowel-y, just add an -s like usual.

Key Point:

toy | toys
day | days

      If a singular noun ends with -o, add an -es to make it plural. 

Key Point:

potato | potatoes
tomato | tomatoes

Exceptions to the -o rule 🙈:

photo – photos
piano – pianos
halo – halos

      If a singular noun ends with -us, the plural is usually -i.

Key Point:

cactus | cacti

      If a singular noun ends with -is, the plural is usually -es.

Key Point:

analysis | analyses

      Some nouns don't change at all when they're pluralized, like sheep, fish, deer, species, and series.

Key Point:

Irregular Plural Nouns

Some nouns don't follow the rules above. We just have to memorize them:

child – children
man – men
woman – women
tooth – teeth
foot – feet
mouse – mice
person – people
goose – geese

Great job learning to spell plural nouns! That's a big deal. 🎉

Now, try the practice.

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