The Law of Attraction
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Learn about the Law of Attraction

Whenever you cry or get angry, do you find that more bad things come to you, like people start shouting at you or you get grounded?

But when you’re already feeling happy, do you find that almost magically even more positive things happen to you?

Why does that happen? 🤔

👉It’s called the law of attraction.

What is the Law of Attraction?

      The Law of attraction is the idea that whatever you give your attention to, good or bad, you will attract.

Key Point:

Tip: to attract means to bring close to you without any work, like a magnet.

Imagine you're riding a bike.

Boy and girl riding bikes

You see a big tree in front of you.

If all you do is worry about not hitting the tree, you may end up running right into it, or something else!

Instead of worrying, if you focus in a positive way on where you want to go, you won't hit the tree.

Why is the Law of Attraction important?

It means that if you change your focus, you can change what you attract.

      If you focus on the good in a person, you will attract more good from them.

Key Point:

      If you focus on someone and feel negative emotion, it means you should change your focus.

Key Point:

Tip: You don’t have to believe that "Law of Attraction" is really a “law”. It's not like a government law. It's just a way of thinking about how the universe works.

But if it's true, so what? 🤔

👉 If it's true, then you know that if you feel negative, it means to stop!

      If you feel angry or negative, don't take any action! Don't get into fights and don't blame others because you feel negative emotions.

Key Point:

You will only attract more bad stuff.

If you feel negative, STOP. You are off track. Get back to positive thoughts. Change yourself first.

      If you feel negative, it means you're looking at things the wrong way. Not that things are actually wrong.

Key Point:

Tip: Sometimes people miscommunicate. They make mistakes when they speak or listen. That's ok. It's natural. We don't need to believe in anything that makes us angry. Just be forgiving and understanding.

Tip: When you feel negative, it's always a good idea to find a perspective of understanding instead, or a better feeling thought. 

Remember: The universe has your back. If you're feeling negative, you can change that just by changing your perspective, and getting back in alignment with love. Then you will attract more awesome stuff!

Using Law of Attraction in Your Life

Try giving a compliment to one of your friends. Say something positive to them like "I like your shirt." Do they become nicer to you? 😺

If you put out positive energy like appreciation, do you get more appreciation back from others? Play with it in your life.

      To appreciate means to be grateful or thankful.

Key Point:

Law of Attraction Experiment

The next time you're mad at someone and want them to apologize, try apologizing first.

Tip: To apologize means to say I'm sorry and mean it.

Then see if they don't apologize to you right after that! 🤗

Sometimes when people feel hurt, if they don't know about energy they will try to hurt others to feel better. By apologizing first, it may help them stop hurting.

Tip: Try law of attraction on your mom or guardian. Tell her how much you appreciate everything she does. See if she gives you more things to appreciate!

Once you know about Law of Attraction, you can become like an energy ninja!

👉You can use the Law of attraction to attract more good things in your life. 

We'll learn how in the next lessons.

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