Subtract Mixed Numbers With Unlike Denominators Using Lines
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How to Subtract Mixed Numbers With Unlike Denominators Using Number Lines

Let's learn from an example.

Sarah’s milkshake recipe needs 5 1/3 cups of milk. She only has 3 3/5 cups. How much more milk does Sarah need to buy so she can make her milkshake?
milk shake

What do you think we should do to solve this problem?

You got it! 👍 We need to do subtraction.

We subtract the milk that Sarah has now from the milk that she needs for the milkshake.

5 1/3 - 3 3/5 = ?

In this lesson, we’re going to use the number line in doing our subtraction. 🙂

Mixed Numbers on a Number Line

The numbers we have in our problem are mixed numbers

      Mixed numbers are numbers that are made up of a whole number and a fraction. They're always greater than 1.

Key Point:

Let’s represent, or show, 5 1/3 on a number line.👇

We need to have 5 wholes.

number line

Then we extend it a bit more to include 1/3.

5 1/3 on the number line

How many parts are each whole divided into? 🤔

Correct! 👏 They’re divided into 3 equal parts.

Now, let’s represent 3 3/5 on a number line.👇

We go to 3 on the number line.

number line

Then, we add 3/5.

3 and 3/5 on a number line

How many parts are each whole in this line divided into?

Yes! 👍 They're divided into 5 equal parts.

If we put our lines together, we see that they don’t match.

5 and one third minus 3 and three fourths on number lines

The wholes are divided into different numbers of equal parts. 😟

The fractions in 5 1/3 and 3 3/5 have unlike denominators.

Tip: We can subtract fractions only when they have like denominators.

👉 So we need to find a common denominator.

Finding a Common Denominator

      A denominator is the total number of equal parts a whole is divided into.

Key Point:

      When we find a common denominator, we make the denominators of the fractions we're subtracting the same.

Key Point:

We're subtracting these numbers:

5 1/3 - 3 3/5 = ?

How do find a common denominator for them? 🤔

👉 First, we look at 5 1/3.

number line

Each whole is divided into 3 parts. 

We need to further divide each part into 5 smaller parts.👆

How do we know this? 🤔

We just looked at the denominator of the other number. 

What's the other number?

Yes! 👏 It's 3 3/5.

What's the denominator of the fraction?

Correct! It's 5. 👍

That’s why we need to further divide each part of 5 1/3 into 5 equal parts.

5 1/3 on a number line

There are now 15 equal parts between the whole numbers.

👉 Now we look at 3 3/5.

number line

We need to further divide each part into smaller parts.👆

How many smaller parts should we divide each part into? 

Fantastic! 🎊 We further divide each part into 3 smaller parts.

That's because the denominator of the other fraction 5 1/3 is 3.

number line for 3 3/5

How many equal parts are there between the whole numbers?

Yes! There are 15 equal parts. 😀

Now, both number lines show the same equal parts between the whole numbers.

Each part is 1/15 of the whole.

number lines

They now match! ✔️✔️

This means that we can subtract these mixed numbers now! 😺

Subtracting on a Number Line

      When we subtract numbers on a number line, we move some steps backward from the point we’re starting with.

Key Point:

So, where do we start? 🤔

Yes! We start from 5 1/3. That’s the number we’re subtracting from.👇

number line for 5 1/3

We subtract 3 3/5 from it.

How many steps backward do we need to make?

3 3/5 is 54 steps away from 0.

number line for 3 3/5

This means we move 54 steps backward from 5 1/3.

subtraction on a number line

Where did we land on? 🧐

We are now on 1 11/15.

It's 26 steps away from 0. So it's the same as 26/15.

number line

Sarah needs 1 11/15 cups of milk to make her milkshake.

Excellent job! 🎉

Now, start the practice to try subtracting mixed numbers on your own. 💪

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