Order of Operations
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What Is the Order of Operations?

Some equations have just one operator (+, -, ×, ÷), like this:

s = 3 + 4

Some have multiple operators, like this:

2 × 3 + 8 ÷ 2 = s

Some equations even have parentheses:

8 + 2 × (2 + 3) = d

      Parentheses ( ) are a pair of round brackets that group numbers and operations together. 

Key Point:

Equations can have even more operations.

For example, equations can have exponents.

Exponent eight squared term diagram

      Exponents are a shortcut for writing repeated multiplication.

Key Point:

Tip: The exponent 8 squared is a shortcut for writing 8 × 8. It's also pronounced 8 to the power of 2.

Exponent squared, cubed, and to the power of four diagram.

8 cubed is a shortcut writing for 8 × 8 × 8. It's also pronounced 8 to the power of 3.

You'll learn more about exponents in later grades.

Now, if we can have many different operators like addition, exponents, and parenthesis in the same equation, which one do we do first?

It turns out there's an official order to follow.

It's called the order of operations. ✨

The Order of Operations

      In math, the order of operations tells us which operation to do first.

Key Point:

order of operations

      First, we always solve what's inside parentheses.

Key Point:

      If there are multiple parentheses, simplify the left first.

Key Point:

If we don't follow this order, we won't get the right answer.

Tip: A popular acronym for the order of operations is PEMDAS. Does it sound like anything to you? 🧘 

Key Point:      PEMDAS may help you remember the order of operations: 1. Parenthesis, 2. Exponents, 3. Multiplication or Division, then 4. Addition or Subtraction.

Now, let's try to solve this equation:

2 × 3 + 8 ÷ 2 = s

What operation do we do first? 

There are no parentheses ( ) here. 

What's below parentheses in the order of operations? 

Right, it's exponents. We don't have any exponents, like 2 squared, in this equation.

The next operation to look for is multiplication or division.

We see that this expression has both multiplication and division.

The rule says to go from left to right.

So, we multiply first.

order of operations

What's next?

Correct, we divide.

order of operations

What's the last thing to do?

You got it. We add the simplified terms.

order of operations

The answer is 10. ✅

What Happens if We Don’t Follow the Order of Operation?

Let's try solving the same equation just by going from left to right.

2 × 3 + 8 ÷ 2 =
6 + 8 ÷ 2 =
14 ÷ 2 =
7 = s ❌

Woops, we got the wrong answer.

      You have to follow the order of operations to get the right answer.

Key Point:

Another Example

Let's solve this together:

8 × 1 - (2 + 3) = d

What's the first thing to do?

We have parentheses, so let's simplify what's inside them.

order of operations

What's the next thing to do?

Yes. 👏 We multiply.

order of operations

What's next?

The only operation left is subtraction.

order of operations

That's it. We have our answer.

3 = d

Great job following the order of operations.

Going from Left to Right

To review, we follow a certain order when performing multiple operations in an equation.

Multiplication or Division
Addition or Subtraction

Tip: The acronym PEMDAS may help you remember this order.

      When there are two similar operations in one equation, we go from left to right.

Key Point:

Take a look:

12 × 2 + 8 × 9 = h

There are two multiplication signs.

Which one should we do first?

Correct, we go from left to right.

So we simplify the 12 × 2 first, then 8 × 9.

12 × 2 + 8 × 9 =
24 + 8 × 9 =
24 + 72 =
96 =

Fantastic job. 👏

Tip: Rewrite your equation after each simplification step so you don't get confused.

Let's Review

      When there are multiple operators (+, -, ÷, ...) in one equation, the order or operations (PEMDAS), tells you which to solve, or simplify, first.

Key Point:

Key Point:      PEMDAS can help you memorize the order of operations: 1. Parenthesis, 2. Exponents, 3. Multiplication or Division, then 4. Addition or Subtraction.

Now, try the practice. It'll help you learn more and remember for longer.

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