Making Change
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How to Make Change

      Change is the money we get back after paying more for something than it costs.

Key Point:

Imagine Lucy has a five dollar bill.


She uses it to buy a slice of cake for $3.

slice of cake

How much change will she get back?

To figure out Lucy's change, we subtract the price of the cake from the money that Lucy has.

Lucy's money minus price of cake = Change

We can rewrite this equation as:

$5 - $3 = ?

Do you know the answer? Great:

Lucy will get $2 in change. ✅

So, How Do We Make Change?

      We make change by subtracting the price of an item from the money we have.

Key Point:

Let's practice making change with some examples.

At the Cinema

Peter buys a drink and popcorn at the movies.

popcorn and drink

He paid with this much money:

$5 + $1

How much change will he get?

To figure out the answer, first we need to find the total price of the drink and the popcorn.

$3.75 + $2.15 = ?

Let's use column form to find the sum:

$3.75 + $2.15 = $5.90

The total price of the items is $5.90.

Peter paid $6.00 for the items. We subtract to find his change.

$6.00 - $5.90 = ?

We can use column form again to find the difference:

$6.00 - $5.90 = $0.10

Our change is $0.10. This is the same as 10 cents. We can also write it as 10¢.

Peter's change is 10¢. ✅

Nice. Let's try another example.

At the Bookshop

Susan is at a bookshop.

She spotted a book that she wants to give to her four friends.

book with price

She pays for the books with two $10 bills.

2 x $10

How much change will Susan get?

To figure this out, we need to find out the total price for the four books.

$4.55 x 4 = $18.20

The four books cost $18.20.

Susan paid with $20.

How much change will Susan get? 🤔

We figure this out by subtracting the cost of the books from the total money she paid.

$20.00 - $18.20 = ?

Let's solve this with column form:

$20.00 - $18.20 = $1.80

We've got our answer.

Susan's change is $1.80.

Tip: Drop the zero when it's at the beginning of a number.

Excellent job learning about how to make change.

Now, start the practice to master this useful life skill.

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