Counting Coins and Bills up to $20
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How to Count Coins and Bills to $20

Pretend you're raising funds for an animal shelter. 🐶

You prepared a box where people can donate money.

donation box

Today, you collected this many bills and coins.

bills and coins

Bills are the paper money. They're worth dollars.

Coins are the round money. They're worth cents.

Key Point:      100 cents makes one dollar.

Let's count them.

Step 1. Separate the coins from the bills.

We put the bills on the left and the coins on the right.

bills and coins sorted

Stack the same coins and bills together.

Step 2. Count the bills first.

It's easier to count bills, so start with these.

The value of a bill is written on all of its four corners. 

counting bills

You will also find the value on the back of the bills.

Now let's add the values together.

$10 + $5 + $1 + $1+ $1 = $18

We read this as eighteen dollars

When we write money, we always put a dollar sign ($) before the number.

So, the total amount for the bills is $18.

Step 3. Count all the coins

Each coin is worth a different amount of cents.


Here are all the coins in our pile, with their values:


That looks like a lot of coins.

Let's add up the value of each type of coin.

Start counting the quarters and skip count by 25¢.


4 quarters is equal to 100¢. ✅

Now we count the dimes and skip count by 10¢.


3 dimes are worth 30¢. ✅

Then, we count the nickels and skip count by 5¢.


The nickels make 20¢ in total. ✅

Finally, we count the pennies.

Each penny is worth 1¢.


The pennies are worth .

Now, we can add them together:

100¢ + 30¢ + 20¢ + 3¢ = 153¢

Instead of writing 153¢, we can write it as $1.53.

Do you know why?

Yes, because 100 cents is equal to $1.

So 153 cents minus 100 cents is 53 cents.

This means that 153 cents is $1 and 53 cents, or we can just say $1.53

Tip: We use a decimal point to separate the dollar from the cents.

decimal point

Can you guess the last step?

Step 4. Add the bills and the coins together

$18 + $1.53 = $19.53

Adding money is just like adding decimals.

We add zeros to the end of the whole dollar to make the addition easier.

$18 + $1.53

We read this as "Nineteen dollars and fifty-three cents".

One Dollar and One Hundred Cents

Are you ready for a tricky question? 😉

What's $11 + 100c?

Is it $11.100 (eleven dollars and one hundred cents)? No.

Remember, 100c = $1.

So $11 + 100c becomes:

$11 + $1 = $12

Coin Combinations That Make $1 

Key Point:      Finding coin combinations that make $1 helps you count coins much faster.

coin combinations

Skip Counting With Bills

When counting $1 bills, count up by 1's.

$1, $2, $3, $4, $5...

When counting $5 bills, skip count by fives.

$5, $10, $15, $20, $25...

When counting $10 bills, skip count by tens.

$10, $20, $30, $40, $50...

The 20-Dollar Bill

Another bill that's very common is the $20 bill.

$20 bill

The number 20 is written on all four corners.

Great job learning how to count coins and bills.

Now, ace the practice. 😃 It's fun.

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