Balancing Multiplication Equations
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How to Balance Multiplication Equations

So far, you've learned how to balance addition and subtraction equations.

In this lesson, you'll learn how to balance multiplication equations.

Equations Review

      A balanced equation has a left side, or left expression, equal to its right expression.

Key Point:

a balanced multiplication equation

To figure out if the two sides are balanced, you simplify the expressions on either side.

      An expression can be made up of just a number, or it can have both numbers and operators like +, -, ×, ÷ (addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division).

Key Point:

      To simplify means to do operations until what's left is a simple number.

Key Point:

Let's simplify both expressions in the equation above.

8 × 3 = 24
6 × 4 = 24

The value of both expressions is 24. The equation is balanced. ✅

Balancing Equations With Missing Parts

There are times when an equation is missing a number.

Let's take a look.

Example 1

12 times 6 = unknown times 8

Your teacher may ask you to "balance" the above equation. This just means to find the missing part that keeps it true.

The first step is always to simplify anything you can.

We can simplify the expression on the left because it has no missing numbers.

simplifying the left-hand side

Now, how do we find the value of the missing number? 🧐

Yes! We need to get the unknown part alone on one side of the equation. That way we can see what it equals.

We use division to undo multiplication.

We divide 8 from both sides of the equation.

72 = ____ × 8
/ 8 = ____ × 8 / 8
72 / 8 = ____ × 1
9 =

Tip: Division is the opposite of multiplication. Dividing 8 by 8 equals 1, so it simplifies the right side.

Wait, did you know we're allowed to divide both sides of an equation by any number? Yes!

      We can divide or multiply both sides of an equation by any number. As long as it's the same number on both sides, the equation stays balanced.

Key Point:

Think about it: If you take half the marbles out of two bowls that weight the same, the bowls will still weight the same as each other after. Both will be lighter, but both will still be equal. 

You could even double the marbles in each bowl, and both will still weight the same as each other.

Great. So using division, we found that 9 is the missing number that balances the equation! ✅

Let's check if we've got the correct number by plugging it back in. 🧐

the unknown number is 9

Multiply the numbers on the left side:

12 × 6 = 72

Next, multiply the numbers on the right side:

9 × 8 = 72

Both sides have the same value. So yes, we just confirmed, or checked, that the equation is balanced.

Awesome job! 👏

Example 2

Let's find the missing number that balances this equation.

15 times unknown = 10 times 12

First, simplify the expression on the right.

simplifying the right-hand side

Now, we use division to find the missing part.

We can divide both sides by 15. This gets the unknown part alone on one side. Take a look:

15 × ____ = 120
15 ×
____ ÷ 15 = 120 ÷ 15
1 × ____ = 120 ÷ 15
____ = 8

Tip: Dividing 120 by 15 is pretty hard. You can use a calculator if you need help.

120 divided by 15 = 8, our missing number.

the unknown number is 8

Let's check to be sure we got the right answer.

Simplify the left side:

15 × 8 = 120

Now, simplify the right side:

10 × 12 = 120

Yes, they both equal 120. Our equation is balanced.

Great work learning how to balance multiplication equations. 🎊

Now, let's practice. Your math skills will get even stronger, and you'll remember for longer.

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