Terms for Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division Equations
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Terms for Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division Equations

So far, you've learned how to solve addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division equations. 👏

Let's review the terms for each of these.

Tip: Terms are the names of the different parts of an equation.

Terms for Addition

addition equation

Addends are the numbers that are added together.

Sum is the answer you get when you add numbers together.

We write a plus sign (+) in between two addends, and an equal sign before the sum.

Tip: The equal sign (=) means the things to the left and right of it are equal.

Terms for Subtraction

Minuend is the number that's being subtracted from. It's the larger number.

Subtrahend is the number that's being taken away from the minuend. It's the smaller number.

The minuend always comes before the subtrahend.

Tip for remembering:

parts of a subtraction equation

Difference is the answer we get in a subtraction equation.

We use a minus sign (-) between the minuend and the subtrahend.

Terms for Multiplication

multiplication equation

The numbers we multiply together are called factors.

Sometimes people call them multiplicand and multiplier.

The multiplicand is often written first, but the order of the factors doesn't really matter. This is called the commutative property of multiplication.

The answer in a multiplication equation is called the product.

A multiplication sign (×) is written between two factors. It's also called the times sign.

Terms for Division

division equation

Dividend is the number that's being divided.

Divisor is the number that tells how many times a dividend should be divided. It answers the question "How many equal groups is a number divided into?".

The answer we get in a division equation is called the quotient.

A division sign (÷) is placed between the dividend and the divisor. It's a short horizontal line with dots above and below it.

Tip: You may also see / used as a division sign. It means the same as ÷.

Tip: You'll also the long division form a lot!

Long division terms review

Great job learning these terms. 👏

Think you have them memorized? Try the practice to see.

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