Balance Addition and Subtraction Equations up to 100
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How to Balance Addition and Subtraction Equations up to 100

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  In an equation, the left side of the equals sign is always equal to the right side.

Key Point:

17 + 5 = 22

This equation is "balanced".

It also tells us about two parts that make a whole.

22 is the whole and 17 and 5 are its parts.

22 stars

Sometimes, equations have missing numbers, like this:

___ + 5 = 22

Your teacher may ask you to "balance this equation". This means to find the missing number that keeps it balanced, or true.

How can we find the missing number?

We can use the whole-part model again!

What's the Whole-Part Model?

Think about splitting a loaf of bread into two parts.

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  If you split a whole in two, you can always add the two parts back together again to get the whole.

Key Point:

Part + Part = Whole

17 + 5 = 22
5 + 17 = 22

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Subtracting one part from the whole gives you the other part.

Key Point:

Whole - Part = Part

22 - 17 = 5
22 - 5 = 17

Using Whole-Parts to find Missing Numbers

To find a missing number in an equation, we just need to figure out if we're missing the whole or one of its parts. Then we add or subtract to get the answer.

Take a look:

23 + ? = 58

How do we find the missing number?

Yes, we can use the whole-parts model. šŸ¤—

Can you tell which number is the whole here? And which numbers are the parts?

23 + ? = 58
(Part + Part = Whole)

Very good.

58 is the whole. The missing number is a part.

part-whole  diagram for number 58

How do we find a missing part?

Yes, we subtract the part we know from the whole.

So, we can subtract 23 from 58:

58 - 23 = 35
(Whole - Part = Part)

The missing number is 35. We can plug it back in to the original equation to be sure we got the answer:

23 + 35 = 58 āœ…

Great job! You just balanced an equation using the whole-part way of thinking.

Another Example

? - 49 = 15

This is a subtraction equation.

Can you tell which number is the whole and which numbers are the parts? šŸ¤”

? - 49 = 15
(Whole - Part = Part)


Here, the missing number is the whole and 49 and 15 are the parts. āœ…

part-whole diagram

To find the whole, we add the two parts:

49 + 15 = 64
(Part + Part = Whole)

The missing number is 64. We can plug it back in to the original equation to be sure:

64 - 49 = 15

Nice work. šŸ‘

Balancing Equations with Addition and Subtraction

Sometimes equations will have operations on both sides of the equal sign:

? + 9 = 77 - 51

How can you find the missing number? šŸ¤”Ā 

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  First, simplify any operations you can.

Key Point:

Let's simplify the right side into just a number:

77 - 51 = 26

Next, we can rewrite our equation with this simplified right side:

? + 9 = 26

Now, we have a simpler equation we can solve with the whole-parts model again!

Can you draw a whole-parts model for this equation?

? + 9 = 26
(Part + Part = Whole)
part-whole diagram for 26

Nicely done. From this we can see we're missing a part.

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  To find the missing part, we subtract the part we know from the whole.

Key Point:

26 - 9 = 17
(Whole - Part = Part)

The missing number is 17.

Let's plug 17 back into our original equation to be sure:

17 + 9 = 77 - 51 āœ…

It's balanced! Both sides equal 26.

You did a great job! šŸ‘Ā 

Let's Review

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Equations are always balanced. The values on either side of the equals sign must be the same.

Key Point:

If your teachers ask you to balance an equation, it means to find the value of any missing number that will keep both sides equal to each other.

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  To balance an equation, first simplify any operations you can and rewrite your equation after each simplification.

Key Point:

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Once you can't simplify any more, think about what's missing, the part or the whole, in your head. Then use the part-whole model to figure out the missing value.

Key Point:

You can do it!

Try the practice.

Tip: If the whole-part model confuses you, you might find the 4th grade lesson on balancing equations using algebraic thinking even easier.Ā 

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