Simple Future Tense
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What Is Simple Future Tense?

      To describe actions in the future, we use simple future tense verbs.

Key Point:

A boy is thinking about going skiing.
I will ski next week.
A girl and a boy are both thinking about going to the beach.
We will play at the beach tomorrow.

Using the Simple Future Tense

      The simple future tense is used to:

Key Point:

1️⃣ describe something that is sure to happen,

My father will celebrate his fortieth birthday tomorrow.

2️⃣ to tell about what we want to do in the future,

I will buy a toy.

3️⃣ and to tell what we think will happen later.

I think it will rain tonight.

 Making the Simple Future Tense

Let's learn 3 ways to make the simple future tense.

1. Using 'will'

      Add 'will' before the base form of a verb to make the simple future tense.

Key Point:

will + base form of verb

For example:

will + go = will go
will + play = will play
will + eat = will eat

Tip: You don't have to think about subject-verb agreement for the simple future tense. 👍

👉 That's because the same form is used for both singular and plural subjects.

He will go. They will go.

2. Using 'shall'

      Instead of using 'will', 'shall' can also make the simple future tense, but only when the subject is either I or we.

Key Point:

I shall be late.

Tip: Shall isn't used very often. It's a bit old-timey.

3. Using 'going to'

This rule is a bit tough to explain, but once you see examples, it'll be easy.

So let's take a breath. 😌

And when you're ready, read through the rule.

      You can make the simple future tense by adding a "be verb" like 'is', 'are', or 'am' and "going to' before the base form of a verb.

Key Point:

I am going to draw
We are going to swim
He is going to laugh

So we just learned another way to make the simple future tense! 😺

Tip: Make sure to use the right be verb. There are only three: am, are, is. Be verbs should match their subject!

Simple Future Tense Review

The simple future tense is used to answer questions like:

What will you do later?
What are you going to do later?

      Create simple future tense verbs by adding will, shall, or a "be verb" + going to before the base verb.

Key Point:

For example:

I will play at the park.
am going to play at the park.
shall play at the park.
We are going to swim at the beach on Saturday.

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