What Is Symmetry?
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What Is Symmetry?

Circles are symmetrical.


Do you know why?

Try folding them in half.

circle folded in half

The top and bottom parts are the same size.


Circles are symmetrical because their halves are mirror images of each other.

What Is Symmetry?

      When a shape is symmetrical, its halves are mirror images of each other.

Key Point:

The place where a shape is folded in half is called the line of symmetry.

rectangle with line of symmetry

Can a shape have more than one line of symmetry?


How many lines of symmetry does this rectangle have?

Let's count.

We can fold it horizontally.


We can also fold it vertically.


If we try to fold it diagonally, the two sides are not the same.

rectangle folded diagonally

A diagonal line is not a line of symmetry for this rectangle. ❎

This rectangle has two lines of symmetry.

      A picture or shape can have more than 1 line of symmetry, but it only needs 1 line of symmetry to be symmetrical.

Key Point:

Symmetrical or Not Symmetrical?

Is this triangle symmetrical?


Let's try to fold it in half.

symmetrical triangle

The two sides look the same.

This triangle is symmetrical. ✅ 

Is This Triangle Symmetrical?


Is it symmetrical?

Let's fold it in half.


The two sides don't look the same.

Let's try to fold it another way.


It looks like the two sides still don't look the same.

This shape is not symmetrical.

How Many Lines of Symmetry?


How many lines of symmetry does this square have?

Let's fold it horizontally.


We can also fold it vertically.

square folded vertically

We can even fold it diagonally in both ways.

square folded diagonally

Both sides mirror each other.


How many lines of symmetry does a square have?

It has 4.

Great job learning about symmetry.

Now, try the practice. 

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