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What Are Contractions?

Β Β Β Β Β  A contraction is the short form of two words that are combined.

Key Point:

For example:

I am πŸ‘‰ I'm

Β Β Β Β Β  You make a contraction by putting two words together, taking out some letters, and replacing them with an apostrophe ( ' ).

Key Point:

Use contractions to make your speaking and writing more natural.

A camping tent near the mountains.
I'm excited to go camping tomorrow.

We shortened I and am by taking out "a", and replacing it with an apostrophe.

Contractions with 'Not'

Β Β Β Β Β  The verbs be, do, and have can all make a contraction with the word "not".

Key Point:

The letter "o" in "not" is replaced with an apostrophe. Take a look:

is not πŸ‘‰ isn't
are not πŸ‘‰ aren't
was not πŸ‘‰ wasn't
were not πŸ‘‰ weren't
does not πŸ‘‰ doesn't
do not πŸ‘‰ don't
did not πŸ‘‰ didn't
has not πŸ‘‰ hasn't
have not πŸ‘‰ haven't
had not πŸ‘‰ hadn't

It's a bit different for the contractions of "cannot" and "will not".

The contraction of "cannot" is formed by taking out two letters - the letters "n" and "o".

cannot πŸ‘‰ can't
I cannot believe that she can't blink. πŸ‘€

Tip: You pretty much never write "can not" unless the "not" is in some other part of the sentence, like:

I can not only swim, but unicycle too.

For the contraction of "will not", it's just a bit special. You have to memorize it:

will not πŸ‘‰ won't

Common Contractions

Here are some more contractions you'll see all the time:

she is πŸ‘‰ she's
he is πŸ‘‰ he's
it is πŸ‘‰ it's
there is πŸ‘‰ there's
you are πŸ‘‰ you're
we are πŸ‘‰ we're
they will πŸ‘‰ they'll
you will πŸ‘‰ you'll
he would πŸ‘‰ he'd

Tip: The apostrophe takes the place of the letters that are taken out.

Great job learning about contractions.

Now, try the practice to help you remember them.

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