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Prompt Interpolator

Prompt Interpolator

Create awesome AI videos that animate between your prompts. Advanced features include edge or depth matching with any other image.



Tip: Add as many prompts as you like.


Output video length (seconds)
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Frames per second
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Try 15 for smooth results. 4 is nice. 2 for testing ideas.

Powered by state-of-the-art AI text-to-image models

Est. compute time:
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Prompt Interpolator API
Interpolate between prompts: tiny cute bunny, vibrant diffraction, highly detailed, intricate, ultra hd, sharp photo, crepuscular rays, in focus > anthropomorphic clean cat, surrounded by fractals, ep...
Interpolate between prompts: summertime digital art painting > autumn digital art painting > winter digital art painting > spring digital art painting
Interpolate between prompts: marylin monroe short dress black and white photo > marilyn monroe short dress full color ultra-realistic photo > marilyn monroe short dress pop art bright colors > marilyn...
Interpolate between prompts: mona lisa > mona lisa smiling brightly > mona lisa big smile, showing crooked teeth