
Create Effective Teaching Materials

Create, share, and review your own adaptive lessons.

Create Lesson

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or drag 'n' drop a .doc or .docx file here

or start with a name...

or start with a question...

Choose Question Type

What kinds of lessons can you make?

Lessons can both teach new things and check for understanding.

Each lesson has two parts: an article and a set of questions.

You can use the article to make your own read-assisted rich text articles.

Then you can quickly create adaptive quizzes using our question editor.

You can teach or test just about any Common Core standard, as well as bold new subjects.

You can create any kind of arithmetic, true or false, long division, spelling, multiple choice, or text input question.

Furthermore, you can create writing questions that use natural language processing, handwriting questions, audio questions, and more.

You can even define what happens when students get any question wrong or answer too slowly.

Paying members can access our entire question bank of over 20,000 professionally designed and tested questions to quickly copy into their quizzes and lessons.

Anyone can copy from or build off of community made questions and contribute their own to the questions database.

Send us your feedback: tom@spyce.ai