AI Tools
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Image Tools
Create Character Lora

Teach AI Your Character

In order to make AI art of yourself, your friends, or family, first use this tool. AI will learn to draw your character into any prompt.


Images of Your Character
Built off icon

Upload 3-5 photos of the character's face.

0 selected of up to 5
Upload images and videos

or drag 'n' drop them here. Use multiple backgrounds and angles.


Character's @Name
Built off icon

The AI will learn to draw the person in your photos by this @name


Tip: While it can take 30 minutes or more to train a character (ie. create a LoRA file), once trained, it only costs about 3/10 of a cent to make any image with your character after that.

Est. compute time:
Est. cost:
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Create Character Lora API